Saturday, May 23, 2015

Late post is late... I am back in my hometown for my mother's birthday party. Happy birthday, Mama Raven! (Though you're also Mama Not quite sure how this avian family works.) There's going to be an incredibly lovely party tomorrow and I am very excited, though there's a lot of work to do! This weekend feels a little bit like the scene in Beauty and the Beast where they're all getting ready for the big feast. Y'know, sans all the talking cultery.

There are cats though. Does that count? They're not the best conversationalists, but they make up for it by pawing desperately at anybody who walks by.

I don't have much of substance to say today, as I only have a few minutes. The rest of this weekend is dedicated to family, as I don't get to see them nearly as often as I would like, and blogging takes a back seat to spending time with them. Rook is even home for the weekend, and I hardly ever get to see him. My parents and Rook are three of the most incredible people ever, and if you know them you probably wish you could be hanging out with them instead of reading this blog, too!

So, in lieu of deep substantial posts, my part of the next few days of posting will be....more lists! Owl did a stellar job of covering Boko Haram earlier this week, so at least you have something of substance to tide you over. I always said she was the smart one. (And the pretty one, and the cool one. I'm just the funny one.)

Rook just got himself some nice, shiny Marvel Unlimited. The newly-updated app combined with his sleek Fire is a pretty swank set-up, and I'm envious. Last time I tried MU on my tablet it was...basically non-functional. Looks like it's gotten a little bit better since then, so I may give it another go, but I will say there's a bit of a risk right now for anybody paying for the MU subscription and hoping for great functionality on mobile devices.

That said, in the spirit of oooh look at the shiny new comics, have a list about comics!

8 Marvel Comics Recommended by Raven and Rook (based off what we've read recently.)

1. Deadpool Vol 1: Dead Presidents
This 2012 Deadpool arch is pretty amazing. If you like Deadpool, Dead Presidents is a great arch, and if you don't...well, this is very Deadpool.
2. Runaways
A bunch of teens find out that their parents are supervillians. They're...not thrilled.
3. Ms. Marvel
Because duh.
4. Avengers Academy
Rook describes this as taking teenagers who are at risk to become super villians and training them to become heroes instead. Hopefully. 
5.  Superior Foes of Spiderman
"A Fiasco-esque story about villians plotting against villians, badly." -Rook
6. Rocket Raccoon
Did you like the Guardians of the Galaxy movie? Did you think Rocket was the best part of it? Read these. He's the best part of most things.
7. Secret Warriors
"Nick Fury's hand-picked team of unknowns that he shapes into his super-powered black ops task force." -Also Rook
8. Hawkeye Vol. 1: My Life as a Weapon
Really, this whole series is great, and Matt Fraction is stellar. But My Life as a Weapon is my favorite so far, because of the way it sets up the dynamic between Barton and Kate.

That's right. I'm mixing in recommendations for single volumes along with recommendations for entier series. There is no rhyme or reason in this world anymore!

But seriously, go read some awesome comics.


**Way to go, Ireland! Today, they became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. This is incredible news! Definitely exciting enough to merit a full post. Sorry, Ireland. I'm not forgetting about you. I'll talk about how awesome you are again sometime soon.***

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend, if you're here in Amurica. If you're not, have a great normal weekend!



  1. Runaways is maybe my favorite comic book ever. I love the characters of Cap and Spidey, but Runaways beats them for best everything.

    Also a certain bird might have already downloaded MU on to the house tablet over the weekend and signed in with her recently purchased account...

  2. ...So I'm NOT going crazy.

    I remembered hearing that you did that. But I couldn't figure out where I'd heard that. So I assumed that I dreamed it, because I guess that's how my mind works? When I came back to Rivendell the MU app was on the house tablet and I was afraid my dreams were coming true.

    ...this makes more sense.


  3. Sometimes I write a thing on the Internet, and it makes me sound like an idiot. Then I realize that I have the ability to just not post that thing.

    Then I do it anyway.

    Also just remembered I can reply to comments instead of making new ones.

    ...there is not enough caffeine in the world to get me through today.

    -Still Raven, sadly...

    1. I'm just still amazed at our incredible hivemind capabilities.

    2. I'm just still amazed at our incredible hivemind capabilities.
